Monday, 30 March 2009

Monday 30th March

Finally got round to going over to DVLA to get my number plate transferred back on to my new car. So N4n Lu is back!! Ane ready to go topless whenever the next opportunity arrises! LOL

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Day 87 (Saturday )

My puzzle piece for SuzieR on the arty farty jigsaw swap.

Loved the effect of this one and the fact that I used a photograph I took myself!

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Day 86

Baby sat last night, kids were great, no problems and were both asleep by 8pm.
Aimee has a real fire although she doesnt use it now she is on her own. saw the bucket of coal and thought :-coal is supposed to be lucky isnt it?
So is taking the picture good enough or should I have rubbed it all over LOL

Friday, 27 March 2009

Day 85

I used the new binding machine at work to punch some holes on the side so that I could thread the ribbon through. Thought it gives a different look from round holes using the crop a dile!

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Day 84

Walked into the churchyard in Stony Stratford today with Val while on our lunch break!
Cameras at the ready, we must have looked COOL (not) LOL

Day 83

Not that this is taking over my life or anything but......
Decided even after adding a few bits to puzzle peice n0-1 that I really wasnt pleased so took it all apart and started again!
This time I printed out a picture of a sea turtle swimming, cut round it using a craft knife and stuck it on the puzzle piece. I then printed a picture of water that I found onto a sheet of self adhesive printing film and stuck it over the turtle.
It looks like you are looking down at the water and seeing a turtle swimming up towards you. Much more pleased with this effect.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Day 82 (23/03/09)

Feeling totally inadequate!
Have signed up to do this puzzle swap on UKScrappers. Dont really know if I am doing these right! Or if they are good enough. Took a sneaky peek at one that someone has done for me on their blog page and it puts my attempts so far into shame!

Still need to do 4 more.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Day 81 Mothers Day 2009

Didnt know you could buy one of these at TESCO LOL
Aimee, kids and my mum joined me, Dave and Ants for mothers day. Had a fab time. I love having the family all together.

Saturday 21st (Day 80)

A bath has to have bubbles for me!

Friday, 20 March 2009

Friday 20th

It was Georginas last day at work as she is retiring to live in Southampton. A few of us went for lunch at The Marl Inn. This is the view from the restaurant, is it a man or a piece of wood Val???? LOL (yes definately a man we saw him move his arm!)
2 hours for lunch! To say the service was slow is an understatement but the food was worth the wait.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Thursday 19th

Got in from work today and was starving, cheese biccies and pickled onions filled the gap!

Wed 18th

Weather starting to warm up so dave got the BBQ out ready. Looking forward to warm evenings sitting in the garden eating BBQ food and drinking chilled wine.......................................................

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Tuesday 17th

Ants opened the champers Val! So I had to do the only decent thing and drink the rest.

Monday 16th

Got home today and Dave had been in the garden tidying up all the pots. The daffs are out. I love this time of year.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Sunday 15th March

A bit of a mish mash
But so scrummy yum. First ever attempt at moussaka. Added pasta sheets for a twist.

Saturday 14th March

Happy 1st birthday Blake
Aimee came over with the kids and so we went to Mead Open Farm.
Blake was not so sure of the sheep but he loved the swing! Tamsyn enjoyed feeding the sheep and goats but kept away from the cows!

Sunday 8th March

Dinner at Bury St Edmunds with Daves Mum for her birthday. A very rare appearance of Antony and smiling!!!!!

Sunday 1st March

Oh god I look rough!!!
Baby sat last night and poor Blake was so poorly. Had to call Aimee back from Birmingham. I felt so terrible for her, she had to get a taxi!
So 3 hours sleep later and lunch with the family at Wolverton House for mums birthday I finally sat down with a glass of red at 6pm.

Thursday 26th Feb

Ok I didnt actually take this one but it is so fab just had to use it for todays piccy. Tamsyn dressed up for 50's day at school today.